超深井用Φ149.2 mm高抗扭钻杆研制与应用

    R D and Application of Φ149.2 mm Hi-torsion Drill Pipe for Ultra-deep Well

    • 摘要: 介绍了超深井用Φ149.2 mm V150 钢级高抗扭钻杆的研发过程,详细阐述其关键制造技术、产品的力学性能以及产品使用效果。Φ149.2 mm 高抗扭钻杆采用了高强度高韧性V150 钢级管体,并对管体进行了镦锻,接头螺纹结构采用了BHDX57 螺纹。分析认为:Φ149.2 mm 高抗扭钻杆相较于API 标准S135 钻杆具有更高的屈服强度和冲击韧性,且性能稳定可靠、使用寿命长,满足了8 000 m 以上超深井安全钻探和高效钻探的需求;解决了Φ139.7 mm S135 钻杆抗拉强度过低及Φ168.3 mm S135 钻杆环空过小的问题。


      Abstract: Described in the paper are the activities for the R & D of the Φ149.2 mm V150 hi-torsion drill pipe,and the details concerning relevant critical manufacturing techniques,the mechanical properties and application effectiveness of the product.To make the said drill pipe,the hi-strength and hi-toughness V150 steel pipe is used and subjected to upsetting process,and the BHDX57 thread is selected for the connection.Based on the analysis,it is regard that compared with the API S135 drill pipe,the said drill pipe has higher yield strength and impact toughness,and stable performance and rather long service span,having met the demand for safe and hi-efficiency drilling operation in the ultra-deep well with a depth over 8 000 m,and thus solved the problems of too low a tensile strength of the Φ139.7 mm S135 drill pipe,and too small an annulus of the Φ168.3 mm S135 drill pipe.


