
    Design and Application of Hot-tube Turnover Device of Plug Pipe Mill

    • 摘要: 针对人工翻转荒管时工作环境差、劳动强度高并存在安全隐患的情况,设计了一种热钢翻转机构。介绍了热钢翻转机构的设计原理及使用效果;提出翻转机构使用中存在的问题,并给出解决措施。该翻转机构用气缸推动旋转托辊升高,使托辊托起荒管,旋转托辊带动荒管旋转,从而实现荒管的自动翻转;具有结构简单、成本低、安装方便且不易损坏等特点,可降低用工成本,提高用工安全系数和荒管轧制质量。


      Abstract: Addressing the shortcomings of the manual steel tube turning-over operation such as harsh working conditions,high labor intensity and potential safety hazard,etc.,a hot tube turnover device is designed.Described here in the paper are the design principle and operation effectiveness of the said device.And the problems as staying with the turnover device are identified,and countermeasures worked out.For getting the hot tube automatically turning over,the pneumatic cylinder pushes the rotation-supporting roller upward to hold up the tube,and then drive the tube to rotate.The turnover device is in possession of such advantages as simplified structure,cost effectiveness,easy installation,and sturdiness,resulting in reduction of labor cost,increasing the labor safety factor,and improving the rolling quality of the shell.


