Briefed here in the essay is the current status of the manufacturing technology for the hot-rolled seamless steel tube.Analyzed are the possibilities for improving the said existing technology in terms of process flow,equipment type,production organization and energy saving.Also discussed is the possibility to produce the hot-rolled seamless steel tube with the mini-flow process.Three mini-flow processes are described as follows.The first is the 3-roll combination piercing process that is the process of piercing billet via two passes of one set of the rolls+pipe-rolling+reeling the shell into a tube.The second is the piercing/rotary-rolling combination process,i.e.,using two set of rolls and relative drive units as mounted in one set of roll stands to get one workpiece being rolled at the same time via two passes of the said two set of rolls so as to get one billet pierced and then rotary rolled into a tube.The last one is getting the pierced shell axially and directly sent to the rolling mill for pipe rolling.