
    Investigation of Causes for Abnormal Microstructure of N80-1 Casing and Relevant Corrective Measures

    • 摘要: 介绍了N80-1 套管管端的异常形貌特征,分析了N80-1 套管的力学性能和异常组织形貌及显微硬度,探讨了异常组织形成的根本原因,并给出了改进措施。分析认为:带状分布的贝氏体是造成N80-1 套管端部形貌异常的根本原因;在现行的生产工艺条件下,降低钢中C 和Mn 的含量能够消除N80-1 套管中的异常贝氏体组织并使材料获得理想的屈服强度,同时可以大幅度提高材料的冲击韧性。


      Abstract: Described here are the morphological abnormal characteristics as observed at the end of the N80-1 casing.Also analyzed are the mechanical properties,the abnormal structural morphology and micro-hardness of the casing.Furthermore,the root cause for the said abnormal microstructure is investigated,and accordingly countermeasures are put forward.The analysis result reveals that it is the banded bainite structure that acts as the root cause for the morphological abnormality as observed at the end of N80-1 casing.Therefore under the present manufacturing process conditions,owing to reducing the C and Mn contents in the steel the abnormal bainite structure of the casing can be eliminated,and meanwhile the yield strength of the material can be controlled to the ideal level,and its impact toughness can be dramatically improved.


