Φ530 mm斜轧扩径机组的工艺与设备

    Process and Equipment for Ф530 mm Rotary Rolling-expanding Pipe Mill

    • 摘要: 介绍了Φ530 mm 斜轧扩径机组的工艺流程和设备组成。受限于轧制辅助时间,该斜轧扩径机组轧制节奏约为3 min/支,优化设备后减少了轧制辅助时间;目前该设备检测元器件及配套装置未配齐,智能化程序有待提高;现有斜轧扩径工艺在轧制时存在生产不稳定情况有待进一步优化。


      Abstract: Described in the essay is the manufacturing process flow and the equipment configuration of the Ф530 mm rotary rolling-expanding pipe mill.The rolling cycle(i.e.3 min per piece)of the mill is mainly restrained by the auxiliary rolling time which can be lessened by optimizing the equipment;the measurement/detection components and relative devices are not complete,and thus the intelligentization program needs to be enhanced;and the unstable rolling status of the existing rotary rolling-expanding process also needs to be further optimized.


