
    Discussion on Inspection of Pipe Fitting for Oil and Gas Transportation Service

    • 摘要: 介绍了油气输送用管件的工艺流程及重点检查内容,分析了国家标准与中石油订货条件对管件工艺评定、小批量试制、首批检验和组批检验等的要求,总结了目前管件检验中存在的问题,并为管件检验提出了合理化建议。建议采购方从实际和经济效益方面出发,针对管件的规格、钢级、采购量、生产难易度、产品成熟度等方面综合制定管件技术协议,选取合适的检验项目。


      Abstract: Described here in the article are the process flow and the key inspection items of the pipe fitting for oil and gas transportation service.And analyzed are the requirements for the pipe fitting as specified under applicable National Standard and CNPC ordering terms,involving the process evaluation,the small-batch trial production,the first batch inspection and the sorting inspection.Some problems as currently met in pipe fitting inspection activities are summarized,and accordingly relevant proper suggestions are proposed,i.e.,based on actual need and the economic profit,the purchaser comprehensively prepare the technical agreement for the pipe fitting according to size,steel grade,purchase quantity,degree of production difficulty,and product maturity,etc.,and determine proper inspection items.


