Φ720 mm斜轧扩径机组生产薄壁P11无缝钢管工艺探讨

    Discussion on Manufacturing Process with Φ720 mm Rotary Expanding Mill for P11 Seamless Steel Tube

    • 摘要: 介绍了Φ720 mm斜轧扩径机组生产大直径薄壁P11无缝钢管的过程,分析了生产的P11无缝钢管的化学成分、几何尺寸、组织、性能等。结果表明:该P11无缝钢管的化学成分以及各项性能均满足ASTM A 335/A 335M标准要求;显微组织均匀,脆性转变温度在-43.5℃左右;540℃时的外推持久强度为66.1 MPa,持久强度高,达到ASTM相关标准要求。


      Abstract: Described here in the article is the process for manufacturing the P11 large-sized,light-wall seamless steel tube with the Φ720 mm rotary expanding mill. And analyzed are the main aspects of the said tube,including the chemical composition,the geometric dimensions,the microstructure and the properties,etc. It is regarded via the analysis that the chemical composition and all the properties of the P11 tube are in compliance with relevant requirements as specified under Standard ASTM A 335/A 335M;the microstructure is homogeneous,and the brittle transition temperature is approximately -43.5℃;and the extrapolation 540℃stress rupture strength is 66.1 MPa,a high value that conforms to appli- cable ASTM requirement.


