
    Analysis of Causes for Non-conformance of N80-1 Casing Impact Energy

    • 摘要: 某批次Φ244.48 mm×11.05 mm规格、N80-1钢级套管出现批量冲击功不合格,经正火后仍然不合格的情况。分析了N80-1套管冲击功不合格的原因。分析结果表明:N80-1套管的冲击功不合格是因为材料存在带状组织以及MnS夹杂物。建议加强冶炼工艺管控,降低成分偏析,减小带状组织级别,提升钢水纯净度,降低夹杂物含量,确保轧制的N80-1套管的冲击功满足要求。


      Abstract: Non-conformance of impact energy is checked out with a whole batch of the Φ244.48 mm×11.05 mm N80-1 casing,and after quenched the non-conformance status still remains. The causes for the non-conformance are analyzed. It is identified via the analysis that the main cause for the non-conformance is the existence of the banded structure and the MnS inclusion. Accordingly it is suggested to take relevant actions to ensure qualified impact energy of the rolled N80-1 casing,including enhancing control of the melting process,reducing the chemical composition precipitation,reducing the level of the banded structure,improving steel clearness,and lessening the inclusion content.


