
    Discussion on Heating Methods for Solution Treatment of Large-sized Light-wall Stainless Steel Welded Pipe

    • 摘要: 探讨大直径薄壁不锈钢焊管固溶处理的3种加热方式,即燃气加热、电阻加热和感应加热方式。分析认为,感应加热方式的加热时间短、冷却速度最快,能有效防止有害相的二次析出,且能很好地控制热处理导致的变形,更适合于大直径薄壁不锈钢焊管的固溶处理。实际应用中,需要降低感应加热的集肤效应和端部效应对大直径薄壁不锈钢焊管性能的影响。


      Abstract: Discussed here in the article are the three heating methods for solution treatment of the large-sized,lightwall stainless steel welded pipe,i.e.,gas heating,resistance heating and induction heating. It is regarded that among the said three methods,the induction heating method is the most suitable one for solution treatment of the large-sized lightwall stainless steel welded pipe owing to its advantages of short heating time and high cooling speed,which ensures effectively preventing the secondary precipitation of harmful phases,and can properly control the deformation as caused by the heat treatment. However when actually using the said method,it is necessary to reduce the influence by both the skin effect and the end effect as produced with the induction heating on the properties of the pipe.


