
    Analaysis of Production and Operation of Tenaris and Vallourec in 2021

    • 摘要: 从钢管销售量、盈利能力、市场分布、资产负债情况和偿债能力等方面,分析了2021年Tenaris和Vallourec两大钢管集团的生产经营情况。分析认为:2021年Tenaris集团和Vallourec集团的经营情况明显好转,盈利水平基本上恢复到新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情前的水平,Tenaris集团的财务状况基本稳定,Vallourec集团资产负债率和流动性都明显改善;同时,两大钢管集团对2022年上半年经营业绩持比较乐观态度。


      Abstract: Analyzed here in the essay are the production and operation of Tenaris and Vallourec steel tube groups in 2021 from the aspects of steel tube sales volume,profitability,market distribution,assets and liabilities and debt-paying ability,etc.It is regarded via the analysis that the production and operation performances of the two steel tube groups had been improved significantly in 2021 and the level of profitability basically returned to that before the COVID-19-epidemic;Tenaris group's financial situation got basically stabilized,while Vallourec group had made great improvements on liabilities and debt-paying abilities.Meanwhile the two groups hold cautiously optimistic attitude to the operating performances of the first half of 2022.


