
    Development and Performance Evaluation of High Corrosion-resistant Dual Metal Metallurgical Clad Pipe Made with High-speed Laser Cladding Process

    • 摘要: 通过高速激光熔覆技术制备了一种油气开采用高抗腐蚀双金属冶金复合管。评价了该复合管的界面结合情况、力学性能和抗腐蚀性能。通过高速激光熔覆技术在C110抗硫管内壁熔覆镍基合金制得的双金属冶金复合管既能发挥基管刚性支撑的作用,又可通过熔覆层起到防腐的效果。通过压扁试验证明了高速激光熔覆技术可以使复合管实现冶金结合。熔覆后复合管的力学性能仍能满足API Spec 5CT标准要求。在NACE标准工况和模拟国内某油田实际工况条件下对复合管试样进行应力腐蚀开裂试验,发现试样均未发生应力腐蚀开裂。该复合管可以用于含H2S、CO2等腐蚀介质的油气开采。


      Abstract: A high corrosion-resistant dual-metal metallurgical clad pipe for oil and gas exploration is made with the high-speed laser cladding (HLA) process.The interface bonding,mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the said clad pipe are evaluated.Nickel-based alloy is clad upon the inner surface of C110 sulfur-resistant pipe by HLA.The base pipe plays the role of rigid support while the cladding layer helps to prevent corrosion.It is proved via the flattening test to the pipe that the laser cladding process can get metallurgical bonding of the clad pipe.After cladding,the mechanical properties of the pipe can still meet the requirements as specified under API Spec 5CT.The stress corrosion cracking test is conducted to the clad pipe samples as per the standard working conditions as specified by Standard NACE,and the working conditions as simulating the actual conditions of a certain domestic oil field.As a result it is identified that no stress corrosion cracking occurs with the samples.So the dual-metal metallurgical clad pipe is worth serving oil and gas production in fields with corrosive medium like H2S and CO2,etc.


