A high corrosion-resistant dual-metal metallurgical clad pipe for oil and gas exploration is made with the high-speed laser cladding (HLA) process.The interface bonding,mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the said clad pipe are evaluated.Nickel-based alloy is clad upon the inner surface of C110 sulfur-resistant pipe by HLA.The base pipe plays the role of rigid support while the cladding layer helps to prevent corrosion.It is proved via the flattening test to the pipe that the laser cladding process can get metallurgical bonding of the clad pipe.After cladding,the mechanical properties of the pipe can still meet the requirements as specified under API Spec 5CT.The stress corrosion cracking test is conducted to the clad pipe samples as per the standard working conditions as specified by Standard NACE,and the working conditions as simulating the actual conditions of a certain domestic oil field.As a result it is identified that no stress corrosion cracking occurs with the samples.So the dual-metal metallurgical clad pipe is worth serving oil and gas production in fields with corrosive medium like H
2S and CO