
    Effect by Specimen Preparation Method on Analysis Result of Hydrogen Content in Steel

    • 摘要: 利用氧氮氢分析仪测定钢中微量氢时,样品的制备方式直接影响氢分析结果的准确性。从氢分析样品的加工冷却方式、加工粗糙度以及清洗效果三个方面来分析样品制备方式对氢分析结果的影响。分析认为:在保证试样加工温度的条件下,加水冷却试样的氢含量测定结果最高;试样表面粗糙时的氢含量测定结果是表面光洁试样的3~5倍;超声波清洗对表面粗糙试样的氢含量测定结果影响大,但对表面光滑试样的测定结果无影响。


      Abstract: In case of determining of trace hydrogen content in the steel with the O-N-H analyzer,the method of specimen-preparation directly affects the accuracy of hydrogen analysis result. In this paper,the effect by the specimen preparation method on the hydrogen analysis result is analyzed,involving the three aspects i.e.,the processing cooling method,the processing roughness and the cleaning effectiveness of the hydrogen specimen. It is revealed via the analysis that given that the processing temperature for the specimen is guaranteed,the measured H content of the specimen as water-cooled is the highest;the H content of the specimen with rough surface as measured is 3~5 times higher than that of the specimen with bright, smooth surface; and the ultrasonic cleaning method for the rough-surface specimen obviously affects the H content as measured,but produces no effect on the measured result of the specimen with bright and smooth surface.


