
    Design and Application of Weld-repair Device for Small-sized SAWH Pipe

    • 摘要: 针对小直径螺旋缝埋弧焊管焊缝缺陷修补时焊缝形貌和质量不理想,补焊一次通过率低等问题,设计了一套操作简单的小直径焊管补焊装置。介绍了该补焊装置的设计思路、主要结构和应用效果,以及补焊后焊缝的质量。该补焊装置采用熔化极活性气体保护电弧焊进行补焊,补焊后的内焊缝无焊瘤,无焊接飞溅问题,补焊一次通过率达95%。


      Abstract: Addressing the problems of the dissatisfied morphology and quality of the defective weld of the small-sized SAWH pipe as repaired, and the low one-time pass rate of the repair-welding, accordingly a set of simple-operation repairwelding system is designed. Described here in the paper are the design ideas, the main structure, and the actual application effectiveness of the said system, as well as the quality of the weld as repaired.The melting electrode active gas-shielded arc welding(MAG welding) process is adopted for the said repair-welding system. As a result, there are no problems like internal weld overlap and welding spatter occurring with repair-welding process.


