
    Development of High Performance Air-tight Premium Connection for Shale Gas Well

    • 摘要: 针对页岩气井中复杂的井况条件设计开发了一种高性能气密封特殊螺纹接头。分析了套管应用于页岩气井时可能存在的载荷,设计了具有针对性的工况模拟试验,试验的主要内容包含接头的抗过扭能力验证、模拟压裂过程的内压循环试验以及共振弯曲疲劳试验和密封试验。试验结果表明,设计的高性能气密封特殊螺纹接头具有高抗压缩、高抗过扭能力;在疲劳载荷作用后仍然可以保证优异的密封能力;接头的各项性能均满足深层页岩气开发对特殊螺纹接头使用性能的要求。


      Abstract: A hi-performance air-tight premium connection is designed and developed for service I in the shale gas well with complex conditions. Based on the analysis of the possible load upon the casing in the shale gas well, a specific working condition simulation test is designed. The main items of the test include the verification of the connection's over-torque resistance, the internal pressure cycle test to simulate the fracturing process, the resonance bending fatigue test and the sealing test. The test results show that the foresaid premium connection possesses both high compression resistance and high over-torque resistance, and can still guarantee excellent sealing ability even after the action of the fatigue load. All the properties of the connection meet the requirements related to the premium connection performance for deep shale gas development.


