
    Study on Manufacturing Process for S31254 High Mo Super Austenitic Stainless Steel

    • 摘要: 选择典型牌号S31254研究高Mo超级奥氏体不锈钢管在生产过程中的加工塑性、金相组织变化规律。采用“热挤压+三道次冷轧”工艺生产S31254不锈钢管材;用高温热处理工艺消除前道工序产生的σ等析出相;中间道次钢管在1 150~1 180℃保温5~10 min后以350℃/min以上速度快速冷却,批量生产的S31254超级奥氏体不锈钢无缝管的力学性能、金相组织和耐腐蚀性能等均符合技术条件要求。


      Abstract: Taking the typical steel pipe grade S31254 as the object,the laws of changing of the processing plasticity and the metallographic structure of the high Mo super austenitic stainless steel tube as occurring during the manufacturing process are studied. The said S31254 stainless steel tube is produced with the hot extrusion+3-pass cold-rolling process;the precipitated phases like σ as occurring in the previous process is eliminated with relevant high temperature heat treatment process;and the intermediate steel tube is first hold at 1 150~1 180 ℃ with 5~10 min,and then is fast cooled down with a velocity over 350 ℃/min. All the S31254 super austenitic stainless steel tubes as produced in batch are satisfactory to applicable technical requirements in terms of mechanical property,metallographic structure and corrosion resistance,etc.


