In order to solve the problem of liner separation and wrinkling of the lined pipe during curling with the Reed-Lay method via the pipe laying ship,a special adhesive is added between the two layers of the lined steel pipe,and furthermore the adhesion between the two layers is improved by using the appropriate heating temperature and composite process according to the adhesive characteristics. The adhesion of the trial produced Φ273.1 mm×(12.7+3)mm L450+ 316L lined composite steel pipe is up to more than 30 MPa. The bending radius
R of 8.19 m and 9.56 m bending test evaluations are conducted to the trail produced pipe sample,which show that no separation and wrinkling are found with the base pipe and the liner pipe. As a result it is concluded that above the mentioned process of gluing the two layers of the composite pipe with the special adhesive can meet the requirements for curling the said lined steel pipe during the Reel-Lay off-shore operation.