
    Theoretic Research on Correction Model for Reduction Rate Distribution for Stretch Reducing Process of Seamless Steel Tube

    • 摘要: 无缝钢管张力减径工艺减径率分配是孔型分配合理与否的关键步骤,但其分配仍依赖于经验公式。从金属流动的角度分析了减径率的分配规律,在经验的基础上提出了“三点两段统合式”减径率分配修正模型。将修正模型得到的结果与传统模型计算结果以及企业生产数据相比,发现变化趋势相近,减径率和减径量变化曲线更加光滑,应用于生产有利于金属流动。


      Abstract: Although properly distributing the reduction rate of the stretch-reducing process for seamless steel tube acts as a critical step for reasonable pass distribution of the pipe mill,the distribution still replies on the empirical formula. From the perspective of metal flow,the law of the reduction rate distribution is analyzed. And based on relevant experiences,a“3 point-2 section integration mode”correction model for reduction rate is set up. The result as obtained from the model is compared with that from calculation via the conventional model and relevant production data from related works, which leads to such a conclusion that the variation trends of the two are similar,and the change curvature of the reduction rate and the reduction amount are smoother than before,which means applying the model to the actual operation will bring about better metal flow.


