
    Progress of Baosteel Consistent Technology for Manufacturing of 13Cr Tubing and Casing

    • 摘要: 目前宝钢已建成13Cr油套管从炼钢到螺纹加工的全流程生产体制。介绍了宝钢13Cr炼钢连铸技术、轧制技术、热处理技术、探伤技术、螺纹加工技术等方面取得的进步,从钢水到螺纹的一贯制技术能力得到了大幅度提升,有力地支撑了我国高温高压油气井、深水油气井及储气库井的顺利开发。


      Abstract: Up to now Baosteel has set up a complete process flow production system as from steel melting to thread processing of the 13Cr tubing and casing. Descried here in the article are the Baosteel-made progresses as related to the main aspects of the 13Cr tubing and casing production,including the steel-making,the rolling technology,the heat treatment technology,the NDT technology and the thread processing technology,etc. The consistent technology capacity as from the liquid steel to the thread has got tremendously enhanced,which significantly supports the smooth development of domestic hi-temperature,hi-pressure oil/gas wells,deep water oil/gas wells and gas storage wells.


