GB/T 10561—2023钢中非金属夹杂物标准简析

    Brief Analysis of Standard for Nonmetallic Inclusion in Steel under GB/T 10561—2023

    • 摘要: 介绍了新旧版GB/T 10561《钢中非金属夹杂物含量的测定标准评级图显微检验法》标准的主要变化以及与ISO 4967∶2013等标准的主要差异,对比发现,新版GB/T 10561—2023借鉴了ASTM E45-18a(2023)《钢中夹杂物含量测定的标准试验方法》的一些好的做法。此次修订对于复合夹杂物、析出相、夹杂物级别等方面有了更加清晰的说明外,还将旧版标准资料性附录中的制取样等移入标准正文。此外增加了3.5~5.0级夹杂物的总长度数值,但未给出该级别范围的评级图,还修改了结果表示等内容,在使用时应予以注意。


      Abstract: Described here in the paper are the main changes between the new edition of GB/T 10561—2023 Determination of Content of Nonmetallic Inclusions in Steel—Micrographic Method Using Standard Diagrams and the previous one,and the main differences between this standard and ISO 4967:2013 and other related standards. It is identified via the comparison that the new edition of GB/T 10561—2023 has learnt some good practices as specified under ASTM E45-18a(2023)—Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel. In the new edition,beside clearer descriptions about the composite inclusion,the precipitate phase and the inclusion class,etc.,some contents as in the documentary appendixes of the old edition like sampling and specimen preparation have been removed into the text of the new edition. Moreover the numerical values of overall length of Class 3.5~5.0 inclusion are also added in the new edition,but no standard diagrams for the scope of this very class are provided,and some contents concerning the result representation have been revised,which needs attention,when using the new edition.


