
    Adjustment Method for Reducing Operating Noise of Slitting Machine

    • 摘要: 为解决纵剪机组在裁板过程中由于钢板跳动和卷曲时所产生噪音过大的问题,通过采取加装压辊装置和改进生产工艺等技术手段,提高了员工工作的安全性,解决了生产噪音安全问题;同时减少了机组日常维修使其保持高效的日常运转。对加装压辊和降噪调试方法进行了详细说明。实践表明可以将生产产生的声音控制在剪切机组2 m以外60分贝以下的水平。


      Abstract: The problem of excessive noise as caused by the steel plate jumping and curling during in the process of the longitudinal slitting of the steel plate for the weld pipe is solved by means of taken such technical measures as installing the press roll device,modifying the structure of the separating plate,and systematically optimizing the overall process form,etc. And moreover due to the said technical measures,the routine maintenance frequency is obviously reduced,the working safety level for the employees is enhanced,and the labor intensity is lowered down. The actual application effectiveness of the said new process is significant,showing that the unstable straining state of the plate after de-coiled is eliminated. Meanwhile the process operation procedures are specified,and the required noise level of the slitting machine beyond 2 m,i.e.,below 60 dB is satisfied.


