
    FEM and Experiment Study on Fatigue Life of H13 Hot-extruded Mandrel

    • 摘要: 以H13热挤压芯棒为研究对象,采用ABAQUS有限元模拟软件建立模型并模拟挤压芯棒的工作过程,获得挤压力以及截面温度场和Mises应力场等计算结果。以模拟计算所得挤压力与实测挤压力相比较,验证了模型的精确性;并对两种规格的H13挤压芯棒实物进行表面粗糙度、硬度和金相检测,实验结果验证了模拟计算结果的可靠性。在有限元模拟计算的基础上采用FE-SAFE软件进行了疲劳寿命预测,对比了无涂层、α-Al2O3涂层和ZrO2涂层材料对挤压芯棒疲劳寿命的影响,显示ZrO2涂层芯棒寿命最长,α-Al2O3涂层次之,无涂层芯棒寿命最低,采用涂层技术可有效提高芯棒寿命。


      Abstract: Taking the H13 hot-extruded mandrel as the research object, the ABAQUS FEM simulation software is used to set up relevant model to simulate the work process of the hot-extruded mandrel so as to achieve related calculated results like the hot extrusion force, the sectional temperature field and the Mises stress field, etc. The accuracy of the said model is verified by comparing the extrusion force as simulation calculated with that as actually measured. The surface toughness, the hardness and metallographic examination of the H13 extruded mandrel with two different sizes are tested, and the test results get the reliability of the simulation calculated results proved. Based on the FE simulation calculation, the fatigue life of the mandrel is predicted. Furthermore the effects on the fatigue lives by the non-coating material, the α-Al2O3-coated material and the ZrO2-coated material are compared, which shows that the service life of the ZrO2-coated material is the longest, then that of the α-Al2O3-coated one, and the that of the non-coated one has the shortest service life. Application of applicable coating technique will get the mandrel service span obviously improved.


