
    Study on "Hot Extrusion + Cold Pilgering" Manufacturing Process for 022Cr25Ni7Mo4N Seamless Steel Pipe

    • 摘要: 超级双相不锈钢022Cr25Ni7Mo4N无缝钢管长期依赖进口,为实现此类钢管国产化的目标,浙江久立特材科技股份有限公司开发出“热挤压+冷轧”工艺技术,并对该产品的热加工、冷加工、固溶热处理工艺进行了研究。经过多年努力,生产出各项性能均符合相关技术要求的022Cr25Ni7Mo4N无缝钢管,在国产化方面迈出了成功的一步。


      Abstract: Supply of the 022Cr25Ni7Mo4N super duplex stainless steel seamless pipes has depended on import for so long a time. For localization of production of such pipes,the “Hot extrusion + Cold pilgering” manufacturing process is developed by Zhejiang JIULI Hi-tech Metals Co.,Ltd. Moreover,certain techniques for further processing the pipes are also studied,including hot working,cold working and solid solution treatment,etc. Owing to years-long efforts,the company has been capable of producing 022Cr25Ni7Mo4N pipes with all the properties in conformity with applicable technical specification,and made contribution to the localization of production of the pipes.


