
    Modification of Roller-hearth Heat Treatment

    • 摘要: 原江西新钢钢管有限责任公司的2座辊底式热处理炉,由于是采用人工手动调节煤气流量来控制温度,由此导致钢管热处理质量不稳定,加之冷料入炉,加热时间长、出炉烟气温度高,需进行改造。通过对炉型结构、燃烧系统及炉温控制系统3个方面的改造,达到了提高炉子产量、产品质量及节能降耗的效果。


      Abstract: Modification of the two roller-hearth heat treatment furnaces located at Xinyu I&S Co.,Ltd.,Jiangxi Province is conducted to solve such problems as inconsistent heat treatment quality caused by the temperature control via manually adjustment of coal gas flow,rather long heating duration and high exhausted gas temperature due to cold charge The modification involves three major aspects namely,furnace structure,combustion system and temperature control system,and has met the objectives of productivity enhancement,product quality improvement as well as energy saving.


