
    Analysis of Causes for Transversal Crack of 4130X Steel Pipe for Making Large-volume Gas Cylinder

    • 摘要: 为查明大容积气瓶用4130X钢管横向裂纹的产生原因,对断口进行了宏观和微观分析,并分析了试样的化学成分、力学性能、金相组织,发现该裂纹是由钢瓶淬火时残余应力导致的淬火开裂。钢管外表面的磨削加工产生的磨痕在淬火时引起组织应力集中是造成钢瓶淬火开裂的诱因。针对性地对钢管生产工艺进行优化,通过酸洗去除氧化铁皮,减径拔制,有效避免了该问题的再次发生。


      Abstract: In order to find out the causes for the transversal crack of the 4130X steel pipe for making of the largevolume gas cylinder,the fracture surface is analyzed by means of both the macro and micro analyses,while the specimen is tested in terms of chemical composition,mechanical property and metallurgical structure.As a result,it is identified that the crack is a quenching-crack which is caused by the residual stress during quenching of the cylinder.When the pipe is being quenched,the milling scratch of it gets the stress concentrated,which acts as the incentive for the quench crack.Accordingly the steel pipe manufacture process is optimized with measures such as descaling the pipe with the pickling process and reduction drawing so as to avoid the re-occurrence of the problem.


