
    PID Closed-loop Control of Master Cylinder Oil Pressure of Hydrostatic Testing Machine

    • 摘要: 分析了水压机主缸油压PID闭环控制的可行性,从水压机工作流程、电气控制原理、硬件组态及控制程序等方面介绍了水压机油水平衡系统主缸油压PID闭环控制的改造过程。通过水压机主缸油压PID闭环控制改造,提高了主缸油压系统的控制精度和对水压的跟随响应速度,使密封圈的使用寿命提高了3耀4倍,保证了设备的稳定正常运行。


      Abstract: Discussed is the feasibility for applying the PID close-loop control to the master cylinder oil pressure of the hydrostatic testing machine. Also elaborated are details of the modification of the master cylinder oil pressure of the testing machine’ s oil-water balance system with the PID close-loop control,involving such aspects as the testing machine’ s work flow,electrical control principle,hardware configuration and control process program,etc. Thanks to the modification, both the control accuracy and the water pressure-following response speed of the master cylinder’ s oil pressure system are enhanced so as to get the sealing ring’ s service life 3~4 times longer than before, and thus ensure the consistent operation of the testing machine.


