
    Research & Development of Process for 301L Stainless Steel Seamless Tube for High-speed locomotive Service

    • 摘要: 介绍高速机车用301L不锈钢无缝管的研发情况。采用热穿孔工艺制备301L不锈钢荒管,再通过多道次的冷轧变形成功研制出Φ44 mm×2 mm规格的无缝管材。结果表明:经过冷轧变形,钢管沿轧制方向产生了大量的马氏体组织,加工硬化明显;随后经950℃固溶处理、再结晶充分,晶粒均匀。开发的301L不锈钢无缝管的化学成分、组织及性能均满足ASTM A 666—2015标准要求。


      Abstract: Elaborated in the paper is the situation concerning the R&D of the 301L stainless steel seamless pipe for the hi-speed locomotive service.The stainless steel blank pipe is prepared with the hot-piercing process,and then successfully turned into theΦ44 mm×2 mm seamless steel pipe via multi-pass cold-rolling deformation.As the result of the said deformation,a great number of martensite develops along the rolling direction,and the work-hardening is obvious.The solid solution treatment as conducted at 950℃that follows results in full re-crystallization with good grain size homogeneity.It is concluded that the 301L stainless steel seamless pipe as developed is in full compliance with applicable requirements as specified under ASTM A 666—2015 for chemical composition,microstructure and property.


