
    Impact by Long-term Storage on Steel Pipe Quality and Relevant Suggestions

    • 摘要: 分析了钢管在国内干燥气候地区、年降雨较多地区长期露天存储时存在的问题,并提出了具体解决措施。分析认为:目前国内钢管长期露天存储时,存在表面锈蚀、壁厚与椭圆度超差、防腐层老化及翘边等问题;因此,建议在开始存储时就使用结实耐用的不透明遮盖物,遮盖时保证钢管表面通风,存储时有支撑物,去除管端保护器,确定合理的堆放层数等。


      Abstract: Analyzed in the essay are the problems staying with long-term open air storage of steel pipes in dry weather areas and high yearly precipitation areas of the country. Accordingly specific measures for solution are put forward. Based on the analysis it is identified that at present due to long-term open air storage, there exist such problems with steel pipes as surface rusting, out-of-tolerance wall thickness and ovality, ageing of anti-corrosion coating and warping etc., preventive measures are proposed to be taken, including using solid, durable and opaque covering to protect the pipes from very beginning of storage, and mean while keeping surface of the pipes well ventilated, getting the pipes properly supported during the storage, removing end protectors off the pipes, and specifying appropriate stacking layers.


