
    Effect of Heat Treatment on Structure and Properties of Nickel-based Alloy for Ultra-supercritical Unit above 700℃

    • 摘要: 通过改变固溶热处理温度、保温时间,对一种新型700℃以上超超临界电站用镍基合金冷轧后的热处理工艺进行研究,并借助金相显微镜、扫描电镜(SEM)和硬度等表征手段,揭示不同热处理制度对其组织及性能的影响规律。结果表明:随着固溶温度升高和保温时间延长,该新型高温镍基合金晶粒逐渐长大,硬度和抗拉强度下降;固溶温度超过1 100℃时,在晶界和晶粒内部均有少量MC等强化相析出;当固溶温度超过1 130℃或保温时间超过45 min,部分晶粒出现异常长大,组织不均匀性增加,碳化物析出相开始回溶;该新型高温镍基合金的最佳固溶热处理工艺制度为1 100℃保温30 min。


      Abstract: By changing the temperatures and holding times of solution treatment,a study is carried out on the heat treatment process for a new-type of nickel-based alloy(as-cold-rolled) for ultra-supercritical unit above 700℃.The law of effects of different heat treatment processes on the structure and properties of the alloy is revealed by means of metallographic microscope and scanning electron microscope(SEM).The results show that as the temperature and holding time of a solution treatment increases,the grain size of the superalloy increases gradually,and its hardness and tensile strength decreases.When solution treatment temperature exceeds 1 100℃,a few strengthened phases such as MC phase precipitates at the grain boundaries and within the grains.When solution treatment temperature exceeds 1 130 ℃ or holding time exceeds 45 minutes,some grains abnornally grow,the inhomogeneity structure increases,and the carbides start to dissolve again.The optimum solution treatment process for the new-type of nickel-based superalloy will be a treatment temperature of 1 100℃and a holding time of 30 minutes.


