
    Application of Edge Planer to Spiral Welded Pipe Mill

    • 摘要: 介绍了刨边机在华北石油钢管厂螺旋焊管机组上的使用情况及在使用过程中易出现的机械故障,分析了刨刀的实用性及影响其使用效果的多种因素并提出相应的对策加以改进,取得了良好效果。


      Abstract: The paper involves the edge planer used by Huabei Petroleum Steel Tube Plant for the spiral welded pipe mill, covering such aspects as operation and typical mechanical faults. In addition, suitability of the planing blade was assessed, and factors responsible for weakening the performance were analyzed, and accordingly countermeasures were taken, which successfully improved the performance of the planing blade.


