
    An Approach to Using Two-step Process to Produce SAW Spiral Weld Pipe

    • 摘要: 传统的螺旋埋弧焊管制造工艺采用成型、焊接一步完成,既不经济且焊接质量也不太理想。在借鉴直缝埋弧焊管预精焊工艺技术的基础上,国外早已开发并成功地应用了螺旋埋弧焊管两步法生产工艺技术。介绍了该生产工艺技术的发展历程及其特点、工艺流程、主要设备性能等。分析认为,螺旋埋弧焊管两步法生产工艺技术是根除螺旋埋弧焊管传统工艺的固有缺陷、大幅度提高产品质量及生产效率的有效途径之一,建议在国内相关机组上尽早推广应用。


      Abstract: With the conventional manufacturing process for SAW spiral weld pipes, both formation and welding are completed in one operational step, which is not so good in terms of cost-effectiveness and welding quality.Taking advantages of the pre-finish welding process for SAW straight weld pipe, the two-step process for SAW spiral weld pipe has been developed and successfully useded for a long time abroad.Described in the article are the main aspects of this process, including the development history, the characteristics, the process flow and the main equipment characteristics.Based on the analysis by the co-authors, it is concluded that the said two-step process is an effective solution to eliminate the inherent defects of the foresaid conventional process, and thus get both the product quality and production efficiency increased significantly.It is recommended to spread out this advanced process and use it for relevant domestic mills as soon as possible.


