
    Optimization of Heat Treatment Process for 12Cr1MoVG Heavy Wall Steel Tube

    • 摘要: 针对厚壁12Cr1MoVG钢管在生产中暴露出冲击韧性低的问题,进行了优化热处理工艺的研究和生产实践。指出改善其冲击韧性的关键是控制正火冷却速度,提出了“水冷+空冷”正火热处理工艺。实践证明:采用“水冷+空冷”热处理工艺后,厚壁12Cr1MoVG钢管均能获得理想的金相组织和优良的综合性能。


      Abstract: Addressing the problem of low impact toughness as identified in the manufacture of the 12Cr1MoVG heavy wall steel tube, the heat treatment process therefore is optimized and, then performed. It is identified that the key measure to improve the tube’s impact toughness is properly controlling the normalization cooling velocity, and accordingly the normalization heat treatment process of “water-cooling + air-cooling” is designed. Relevant operation practice of the said process has proved that desired metallographic structure and satisfactory overall performance of the 12Cr1MoVG tube is obtained.


