宝钢Grade 91钢化学成分控制研究

    Baosteel’s Study on Chemical Composition Control of Grade 91 Steel

    • 摘要: 介绍ASME标准中Grade 91钢T91和P91化学成分变化过程,分析探讨2014年美国电力研究院提出的ASME标准中Grade 91化学成分修改方案(Item 14-1540),并对比国内外Grade 91钢的化学成分控制水平。分析认为:Item 14-1540修改方案对Grade 91钢在电站锅炉服役的安全性和可靠性是有利的;宝钢股份Grade 91产品的化学成分满足最新ASME Code Case 2864—2015标准控制要求;进一步推广ASME Code Case 2864—2015标准对Grade 91钢的化学成分控制要求,有利于提高T91/P91产品实物质量水平。


      Abstract: The chemical composition changes of T91 and P91 of Grade 91 steel in ASME standards are introduced in the paper.Also discussed is the modification plan(Item 14-1540) proposed by U.S.Electric Power Research Institute(EPRI)in 2014 of chemical composition of Grade 91 steel in ASME standards.Furthermore,the control levels of chemical composition of Grade 91 steel at home and abroad are compared.The results indicate that the Item 14-1540 modification plan is beneficial to the safety and reliability of Grade 91 steel to be used on power plant boilers,and the chemical composition of Grade 91 steel made by Baosteel can meet the control requirements of the latest ASME Code Case 2864—2015.To promote the control requirements of the latest ASME Code Case 2864—2015 is good for the improvement of the quality of T91 and P91 products.


