
    Research on Wall Thickness Inhomogeneity of Steel Pipe as Rolled with Mandrel Mill

    • 摘要: 从管坯加热制度、工艺调整、轧制工具、冷却水等4个方面分析了导致连轧钢管壁厚不均的原因,并针对上述影响因素提出了相应的预防措施。分析认为:管坯加热制度应在满足生产节奏的同时,合理控制加热温度及加热速度,降低晶粒不均匀长大倾向,从而控制壁厚不均;钢管的螺旋状壁厚不均,在排除管坯加热温度缺陷后,应从穿孔机组工艺调整及轧制工具使用方面考虑;钢管的直线状壁厚不均,应从连轧管机组工艺调整、轧制工具使用及冷却水影响等方面综合考虑。


      Abstract: Investigated are the causes for occurrence of wall thickness inhomogeneity of the steel pipe as rolled by the mandrel mill,involving four main aspects,i.e.,billet heating schedule,process adjustment,rolling tools and cooling water. And accordingly,preventative actions are proposed. The actions include a billet heating scheduele that can not only satisfy the production cycles, but also properly control the heating temperature and heating speed so as to restrain the trend of grain uneven enlargement, and thus get the thickness inhomogeneity restrained; considerations of process adjustment and proper operation of the rolling tools of the piercing mill to prevent helical wall thickness inhomogeneity of the pipe in in case that no defect stays with the billet-heating temperature, and considerations of process adjustment, proper operation of the rolling tools, and cooling water of the piercing mill to prevent straight line wall thickness inhomogeneity of the pipe.


