
    Design of Gauge for Measuring Coupling Sealing Surface of Small-sized Premium Thread Connection

    • 摘要: 提出了一种用于直接测量小直径特殊螺纹接头接箍密封锥面直径的量规,并介绍了其设计原理、结构特点及具体使用方法。实际应用结果表明:该小直径特殊螺纹接头接箍密封面规具有测量准确、操作方便等特点,解决了传统测量实现难、测量复杂、误差大等问题。


      Abstract: Described here in the paper is a gauge for directly measuring coupling sealing surface of the smallsized premium thread connection, involving the design principle, the structural characteristics and the specific operation procedure.Result of the actual operation of the gauge proves that the said gauge features accurate measurement, and easy operation and so on, which solves the problems as staying with conventional measurement process, i.e., hard operation, complexity of measurement, and rather big error.


