
    Solution for Oil Casing Collapse Resistance and Relevant Development

    • 摘要: 介绍了套管抗挤毁强度预报方法的演变过程和最新进展,对比了各理论的先进性和局限性;按照K-T理论分析了影响套管抗挤毁强度的主要因素,其中制造质量因素主要包括椭圆度和残余应力;介绍了国内外油气井套管抗挤毁的各种方案和产品;对比了各系列产品和方案的优缺点及控制重点。提出了深井异常高压地层采用特厚壁套管,抗挤毁套管采用调质热处理工艺,以及提高抗挤毁设计安全系数等一系列建议。


      Abstract: Briefed here in the essay is the latest research updates and progressive development on the prediction formulas of collapse resistance of the oil casing.Advantages and limitations of each of the relevant theories are respectively analyzed.According to the new Klever-Tamano(K-T model)equation,main factors affecting the collapse resistance are analyzed,including manufacture quality factors like the pipe’s ovality and the residual stress.Elaborated here are also different solutions for oil/gas well-purposed anti-collapse casings and products as made at home and abroad.Various series of related products and solutions are compared in terms of advantages and disadvantages,and the control tips.Furthermore relevant suggestions are put forward,including using extra-heavy wall casing for deep well in abnormal hi-pressure stratum,having the anti-collapse casing subjected to quench-temper treatment,and enhancing design safety factor of collapse resistance of the casing.


