
    Application of PLC/Converter Technology to Steel Tube Head-tail Alignment and Separation Operation

    • 摘要: 利用PLC及变频器技术,研发一套不同直径和长度的钢管在规定距离6 m内平稳对接和分离的输送辊道控制系统。该输送辊道控制系统能在进料辊道与主机机头相距6 m的位置,实现管与管的迅速首尾对接,且撞击程度小;前一根钢管管尾出探伤平台后,前后钢管首尾迅速脱离,顺利实现单根下料;管尾对接、分离后输送辊道速度与探伤速度相同,保证了探伤精度。


      Abstract: Developed with the PLC/Converter Technology is a roller table control system capable of getting steel tube stably head-tail aligned and separated within a specified 6-meter distance.Specifically speaking,this very control system can realize the operation of quick head-tail alignment of tubes with slight bumping at a position on the roller table with a 6-meter distance to the head of the main machine.As soon the tail end of the first tube runs out of the detector platform,the tail end of the first tube and the head-end of the second one are separated quickly so as to bring about single-piece discharge operation.And then the speed of the roller table keeps the same as that of the detecting machine in order to ensure the flaw detection precision.


