
    Improvement on Installation Method for Impedance Device for Welding of Small-sized Steel Pipe

    • 摘要: 简要介绍了Φ10 mm以下的小口径焊接钢管的直缝焊接生产工艺,高速焊接时阻抗器的安装方式。分析了传统工艺生产小口径焊接钢管时存在的问题和局限。通过改进阻抗器安装方式,小口径直缝焊接钢管的生产效率由过去的30 m/min提高到60 m/min,成材率由70%提到98%以上,效果明显。


      Abstract: Briefed in the paper are the straight welding process for small-sized steel welded pipes with O.D.under 10 mm and the installation method for the impedance device for hi-speed welding operation thereof.The problems and limitations related to the conventional processes for small-sized pipe production are analyzed,based on which,the impedance device has been modified,resulting in significantly heightening the productivity of the said small-sized straight welded pipe from 30 m/min.to 60 m/min.and the yield thereof from 70% to 98% or above.


