Φ88.9mm×6.45mm 110S油管断裂原因分析

    Fracture Analysis of Φ88.9 mm×6.45 mm 110S Tubing

    • 摘要: 对某井Φ88.9 mm×6.45 mm 110S油管断裂事故进行了深入调查研究, 分析了4根两两相互匹配的断裂油管样品, 对断口形貌、管体几何参数、理化性能、金相组织和腐蚀产物等进行了试验分析。结果表明:Φ88.9mm×6.45 mm 110S油管的理化性能均满足API Spec 5CT标准及用户要求;油管断裂机理为H2S应力腐蚀开裂。建议加强H2S现场检测, 选择适合的抗H2S油管。


      Abstract: The fracture accidents of Φ88.9 mm×6.45 mm 110S tubing in a oil well are thoroughly investigated and studied, the samples of four pieces of the fractured tubing which are matched with each other in two to two are analyzed and their fracture morphology, geometric parameters of tubing body, physical and chemical properties, metallographic structure and corrosion products are also tested and analyzed. The test results show that the physical and chemical properties of Φ88.9 mm×6.45 mm 110S tubing all meet the requirements of API Spec 5CT and users.The fracture mechanism of tubing is subject to H2S stress corrosion cracking so it is recommended to strengthen the on-site H2S detection and to use suitable H2S resistant tubing.


