
    Effect on Performance of HAZ of L485M/L555M Welded Pipe by Chemical Composition of Steel Plate Blank

    • 摘要: 统计新气、鄂安沧以及X管线项目所用L555M/X80M和L485M/X70M大直径直缝埋弧焊管的理化试验数据,对比分析钢板化学成分和焊管焊接接头硬度、抗拉强度、导向弯曲试验数据。分析结果表明:钢板化学成分优化后的新气管线项目用直缝埋弧焊管焊接接头热影响区没有出现软化、弱化现象,导向弯曲性能优异,焊管热影响区性能得到明显改善;鄂安沧管线项目用直缝埋弧焊管焊接接头热影响区没有出现软化现象,但出现了一定程度的弱化现象,导向弯曲性能较好,焊管热影响区性能得到改善。


      Abstract: Based on thedataresultingin thephysical and chemical testsasmadetothe L555M/X80Mand L485M/X70M large-sized LSAW pipes that are used for the Xin-Yue-Zhe,the E-An-Cang and the X pipeline projects,a comparative analysis is made on the chemical composition of the steel plate blank,and the hardness,the tensile strength and the guided-bending test data of the welded joint of the pipe.The analysis result reveals that no softening and weakening pheno- mena are found in the HAZ of the welded joint of the LSAW pipe as made from the steel plate with optimized chemical composition,and used for the Xin-Yue-Zhe project,and that the guided-bending property of the HAZ is also excellent,which means that the performance of the HAZ has been obviously improved.Moreover in the case of the LSAW pipe used for the E-An-Cang project,its welded joint HAZ demonstrates no softening phenomenon,and has good guided-bending property,but shows weakening phenomenon to a certain extent.Likely it is proved that the HAZ performance of the welded pipe has been bettered.


