加快新一代高钢级HTP管线钢管开发 迎接新一轮管线建设高潮
Speeding up Development of New Generation of High-grade HTP Linepipe to Meet Another Tide of Pipeline Construction
摘要: 介绍了HTP管线钢的基本概念以及在国内外的开发应用情况。通过比较分析后指出,我国有关部门应加强对HTP管线钢与管的专题研究,采取有效措施加快开发步伐,并使研发成果迅速推广应用,为迎接下一轮管线建设高潮做好技术和物资准备。Abstract: Described in the article are the concept of HTP steel for linepipe-making and development/application situations of this kind of steel both at home and abroad.Based on relevant comparison and analysis it is concluded that to meet the next tide of pipeline construction domestic research on HTP steel and HTP steel-made linepipe needs to be further strengthened,and necessary measures need to be taken to gear up the development and spread up the application of relevant research achievements.