
    Quick Development over the Last Five Years and Prospects of Domestic Seamless Steel Tube-making Industry(Part Ⅰ)

    • 摘要: 对比了美国、日本、原西德、意大利及原苏联五大生产国的钢管生产发展速度及其最高点。概要介绍了近5年来我国无缝钢管行业快速发展及新建的主要无缝钢管机组的情况。对高速发展中的无缝钢管新品种的开发,生产工艺的改进,设备的国产化,小型机组的改造,一般机组的分布调整等都作了相应概述,指出我国钢管企业不应再盲目投资项目扩大生产规模和增加产能。


      Abstract: Compared are the development speeds and development peaks of the seamless steel-making industries in the five major steel-tube producing countries,i.e.,the U.S.A.,Japan,Germany,Italy and the former USSR region.Briefed is the quick development of the domestic seamless steel tube-making industry and the major new-lybuilt tube mills over the last five years.Also summarized are the main aspects concerning the said development,including R & D of new products,technological improvement,localization of the equipment,modification of small-sized tube mills and rationalization of ordinary tube mill distribution,etc.It is emphasized that caution should be exercised to prevent further blind investments to expand production facilities and capacity.


