
    Development of Multi-rifled Seamless Steel Tubes for High-pressure Boiler

    • 摘要: 介绍了高压锅炉用冷拔内螺纹无缝钢管的技术条件和工艺过程, 分析讨论了内螺纹管螺纹高度、内螺纹凸肋侧边刮伤和塌陷畸变、润滑条件等的控制要点。试验分析表明:通过自主设计拔制内、外模, 采用连轧荒管作原料管, 经1道次冷拔精整壁厚+1道次冷拔直接成型内螺纹管的工艺流程, 开发的8头Ф51 mm×5.7 mm15CrMoG高压锅炉用内螺纹管符合GB/T 20409—2006标准要求的技术条件。


      Abstract: The technical conditions and process procedure of the cold drawn multi-rifled seamless steel tubes for high-pressure boiler are described and the control points such as rib height, side scratches and collapse distortion of convex ribs and also the lubrication conditions are analyzed and discussed. The test and analysis show that, with the independently designed inner and outer drawing dies, using the mandrel mill rolled shell as the mother pipe, the Ф51 mm×5.7 mm 15CrMoG multi-rifled seamless steel tubes with 8 ribs produced through the process procedure of one pass cold drawing and wall thickness finishing plus one pass cold drawing to form the multi-rifled tubes, which is developed for high-pressure boiler, fully meet the technical conditions required by the standard GB/T 20409—2006.


