
    Meaning Discrimination of Terms Commonly-used by Tube-making Industry

    • 摘要: 制管行业有许多术语形式比较相近,但是实际含义却不同。对制管行业部分常用术语的词义进行了说明、对比和总结,通过对比分析指出了这些行业术语的相似点和不同之处供同行探讨。认为规范制管行业的常用术语具有非常现实的意义和必要性。


      Abstract: Many terms uesd in the tube-making cycles look like similar to each other, but in fact have different meanings.The definitions of the terms commonly-used by the tube-making industry are described, compared and summarized here in the paper.Based on the comparative analysis, it is pointed out that the industrial terms have their similarities and differences, which needs to be further discussed by peers of the industry.Besides, it is also emphasized that to standardize such terms is of so realistic significance and necessity.


