
    Discussion on Optimization of Forming Groove of Light-wall Weld Pipe with Analysis Method

    • 摘要: 针对目前焊管行业尚无评价薄壁焊管成型孔型优劣的具体方法,提出用解析几何方法从管坯成型过程的主视、俯视和空间3个视角来评判、优化所设计的孔型。采用成型孔型几何解析法,可以对同种焊管的不同种孔型设计方案进行优化比较,便于选用较佳方案。


      Abstract: Address the fact that no specific method currently used in domestic weld pipe-making circles for evaluating quality of the forming groove for light-wall weld pipes,it is proposed to adapt the analysis method to evaluate and optimize the said groove as designed from three visual angles during the billet formation process,i.e.,the front view,the top view and the spacious view.Thanks to the said analysis method,different solutions for the groove design of a same type of weld pipes can be compared,and then optimized,and finally the best one is selected.


