
    Influence by Change of Standard for Tubing&Casing on Property Requirement and Evaluation

    • 摘要: 介绍了新版API Spec 5CT、API Spec 5B、API RP 5C5等标准主要修订的内容,分析了各标准变化对油套管性能要求的影响;重点讨论了特殊螺纹接头气密封评价、储气库井用套管评价、页岩气井用套管评价以及射孔段套管评价等的标准和方法。分析认为:与旧版标准相比,新版API Spec 5B增加了螺纹直径、椭圆度测量及其要求,API Spec 5CT第9版增加了C110钢级套管,API RP 5C5—2017增加了高温条件下的接头性能评价。从油套管主要标准变化可以看出,为了满足非常规井的勘探开发需要,对油套管的性能要求主要体现在:特殊螺纹接头密封性能、抗高温性能、耐腐蚀性能、高抗挤性能、接头抗疲劳性能等。


      Abstract: Described here in the essay are the major amendments of the new edition API Spec 5CT, API Spec 5B and API RP 5C5, and also analyzed here are the influences by the changes of these API specifications on property requirements for the tubing/casing.The discussion focuses on the specifications and methods for evaluation of premium connection air-sealing, evaluation of gas storage well-service casing, evaluation of shale gas well casing, and perforation interval casing.The analysis identifies the facts as follows.Compared with the previous editions of the specifications, the new edition API Spec 5B, is added with measurement of thread diameter and ovality, and related requirements;the 9th edition API Spec 5CT is added with the C110 casing, while API RP 5C5-2017 is added with evaluation of performance of the connection under high temperature service conditions.It is revealed via the major changes of the specifications for the tubing and casing that in order to meet the need for exploration and exploitation of unconventional wells, the requirements for properties of tubing and casing are mainly related to sealing performance, high temperature-resistance, corrosion resistance, high collapse resistance and connection ant-fatigue property, etc.of the premium connection.


