
    An Automatic Steel Pipe Bar Code Spray and Identification System

    • 摘要: 比较了主要的物料识别技术(射频技术、OCR技术和条形码技术)的优点与不足。介绍了钢管自动喷码与识别装置的研制,其控制系统采用工控机、PLC控制器以及信息识别传感器,可以对钢管喷码并识别,为实现大量数据信息的自动采集、绑定、汇总和存储提供了可靠的技术手段,减少了操作人员的工作量,提高了准确率。在线标示与自动识别技术的应用解决了如何实现焊管在线实时追踪与过程追溯的问题。


      Abstract: Compared are the advantages and disadvantages of the main material identification technologies(i.e.,radio frequency technology,OCR technology and bar code technology). Elaborated are the R & D of an antomatic steel pipe bar code spray and identification system. With IPC,and PLC controllers and the information-identifying sensor, the system is capable of bar code spraying and identification for steel pipes,being a reliable technological way to realize automatic acquisition, binding summarization and storage of massive data information,which can reduce the operator’s workload and improve the operation accuracy. Application of the on line marking and automatic identification technology has solved the issue of weld pipe on line real-time tracking and process tracing.


