
    UOE Welded Pipe Mill Stock Control in Mill Supervision Mode

    • 摘要: 针对宝山钢铁股份有限公司UOE焊管项目全程驻厂监造的实际需求,结合UOE焊管生产线布置及工艺路径特点,以优化UOE焊管成品库存控制为目标,对影响成品快速发货的性能检(化)验结构、检(化)验周期、成品报检周期控制等重要因素进行了分析探讨;提出了UOE焊管成品管理周期控制措施。通过实施T1~T5周期管理控制措施,使UOE焊管的整体在库周期明显缩短,周期达标率显著提高。


      Abstract: All the major elements as affecting fast finished product dispatch activities are analyzed and discussed on the basis of characteristics of the layout of the UOE welded pipe production line and the process path for the purpose of optimizing control of the mill stock of the UOE welded pipes so as to finally satisfy the actual need for whole-course mill supervision of the UOE pipe project at Baoshan Iron & steel Co.,Ltd. Such elements include structure of property inspection (analysi)s,inspection/analysis cycle,and finished product inspection-application cycle,etc. Accordingly, relevant measures for control of finished product management cycle of UOE welded pipes are proposed. Thanks to implementation of the T1 -T5 cycle management control actions,the UOE welded pipe stocking period is in general obviously shortened,and the periodic compliance rate is greatly enhanced.


