
    Design and Development of Φ382 mm Pass of PQF Mill

    • 摘要: 针对Φ460 mmPQF连轧管机组原有369,451 mm孔型不能生产Φ355.6~370 mm钢管的问题,天津钢管集团股份有限公司设计开发了382 mm孔型。经过近2年的试制及批量生产证明,采用382 mm孔型可直接轧制Φ356(355.6),365,368 mm的钢管,且轧制的钢管壁厚精度与内外表面质量良好稳定。


      Abstract: With the 369 mm and 451 mm passes,the PQF mill failed to produce tubes within the size range of Φ355.6~370 mm.Addressing this problem,a 382 mm pass is designed and developed by Tianjin Steel Pipe Corp.,Ltd.The 2-year trial and massive productions have proven that using the 382 mm pass,the mill is capable of rolling tubes with sizes of Φ356(355.6) mm,365 mm,and 368 mm which have satisfactory and consistent wall thickness tolerance and inner and outer surface quality.


