
    Manufacturing Process and Equipment of Φ720 mm Pilger Pipe Mill

    • 摘要: 介绍了华菱衡阳钢管(集团)有限公司新建Φ720mm周期轧管机组的工艺流程与平面布置,主要设备组成、特点和基本参数。该机组既能使用连铸坯又能使用多边形钢锭生产特大直径高精度高钢级钢管。该机组采用的先进喂料器不但能提高轧制速度,降低劳动强度,还能使荒管的壁厚和外径精度显著提高。


      Abstract: Described in the article are the main aspects of the newly-built large-sized Φ720 mm Pilger pipe mill line located at Hengyang Valin Steel Tube (Group) Co.,Ltd.,including the manufacturing process flow and the plant layout,and composition,features and basic parameters of the main equipment. The plant is capable of producing extra-large-sized, hi-precision and hi-grade steel tubes with CC billets or polygonal ingots. The stat-of-the-art feeding system as employed by the Pilger mill is capable of not only ensuring higher rolling speed and less labor intensity,but also getting the W.T. and O.D. tolerances considerably improved.


