
    Effect by Thermal Well Temperature on Casing Properties and Calculation Method for Pretension

    • 摘要: 热采井套管柱受力较普通井套管柱更为复杂,通过对现有部分资料的调研和分析,介绍了热采井温度对套管性能参数的影响规律,建立了套管屈服强度、弹性模量、线膨胀系数随温度变化的回归模型。同时,针对近年来现场套管设计中出现的几个问题进行了探讨,指出在进行热采井套管柱设计时应注意的问题。考虑到温度对套管性能参数的影响,举例计算了热采井套管所需要的预应力值,供套管柱设计人员参考。


      Abstract: The stress condition of the thermal well casing string is more complicated than that of ordinary well casing string.Based on analysis of relevant information available, rule of the effect by thermal well temperature on the casing property values is discussed.A regression model is established for the empirical correlations of casing yield-strength, Young's modulus, and linear expansion coefficient vs temperature.Furthermore, several problems encountered with during field designing of thermal well casing string in the recent years are discussed, and certain key issues are emphasized for the said design.Take into account the effect of temperature on casing property values, examples of calculation of the pretension for the thermal well casing are made, providing valuable information to casing string designers.


